So the student loan rate is 6.8% for a loan... does that mean that each month the interest will be 6.8% of the whole amount borrowed? I am doing mixed subsidized and unsubsidized.
ALSO, anyone who has gone all the way through with a bachelor's or higher that can give an approximate (theirs or of someone they know) on how much they ended up owing including interest.. just to see what I should expect.
Thanks in advance
Student loans question?
Be careful student loan collectors is why Elvis faked his death.
Student loans question?
Linked below is the page that describes the interest rates and how they work for both subsidized and unsubsidized.
That's all I can offer....I don't graduate until May! Feel free to ask me then:)
Okay, well, Yahoo keeps giving me an error page when I try to link the Stafford page that explains the interest rates. It's really starting to irritate me. I can't even type the link! So, hopefully I can get this to make sense; here's a %26quot;walkthru%26quot; to get there:
Go to:
https : // studentaid . ed . gov /
In the search box, type %26quot;Stafford%26quot;
Click the first link on the list. It's a URL and not actually a title.
Scroll down and look for the question %26quot;What's the interest rate?%26quot;
At the end of the question, it has a link that says %26quot;Click here for more information on interest rates.%26quot; Follow the link.
There's your interest rate answer!
Student loans question?
There is no absolutely answer for your question.However,explorer the information here will give you some ideas.HOpe it helps.
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