
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Selling our house?

My ex and I have a mortage together. We are not married but were living defacto. We separated in 05. I stayed in the house with our two children and continued to make all repayments on the loan. We both now want to sell, I want him to give me half of the repayments on the loan, rates and insurance since he left out of the sale. He will not agree to this, as he says that I chose to stay in the house and that when we separted he wanted to sell and I didnt. Can he do this? and is he right?

Selling our house?

Ethically, he should get 1/2 of what he paid into the house, but legally, he is enttitled to 1/2 of the proceeds from the sale of the house. Talk to an attorney.

Selling our house?

Talk to an Attorney. Best advice I can give.

Selling our house?

sound like you need an attorney. Personally he should get half of the equity that was in the house when he left. Any equity gained after he left is all yours.

Selling our house?

Do your homework. Get copies of all the payments that you made, divorce paperwork, support documents and find an attorney.

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